Saturday, 1 December 2012

Beginning With Some Baking!

As I'm a bit of a blogging virgin I roped my best friend Emma in to give me some help with pretty much everything! We've lived on the same road since we were about eight and so just a phone call and she's here in minutes, it's great! 
We made some Aero Meringues, here's how we did it:
All you'll need is some eggs, sugar, vanilla, mint aero and some green food colouring!

Make sure you have super sexy aprons!

Wash your hands, preferably with a double chin ;)
Separate 2 eggs using the whites only.

Whack out the whisk.

Peter got involved, he loves a bit of baking!

Whisk until you can do this.

Weigh out 110g of caster sugar and add in portions whilst whisking the whites.

Add some vanilla bean paste (Emma's dad is a chef so it's the fancy stuff)

Whisk until it all looks nice and fluffy.

Chop up a whole bar of Aero and add to the egg mixture.

Place large spoonfuls onto a lined baking tray.

Bake for 30 minutes at Gas Mark 2/150C.

And they should look like these beauties! We put in some green food colouring during the mixing but its not very noticeable. Just enough to make it look a tad more minty!

Enjoy with a cuppa :)
Got a bit snap happy, they're super yummy!
Give 'em a try and let me know how they go?
Lil x

1 comment:

  1. Mother-flippin delectable! Woo for first blog post (: looks lovely xx
