As I'm a bit of a blogging virgin I roped my best friend Emma in to give me some help with pretty much everything! We've lived on the same road since we were about eight and so just a phone call and she's here in minutes, it's great!
We made some Aero Meringues, here's how we did it:
All you'll need is some eggs, sugar, vanilla, mint aero and some green food colouring! |
Make sure you have super sexy aprons! |
Wash your hands, preferably with a double chin ;) |
Separate 2 eggs using the whites only. |
Whack out the whisk. |
Peter got involved, he loves a bit of baking! |
Whisk until you can do this. |
Weigh out 110g of caster sugar and add in portions whilst whisking the whites. |
Add some vanilla bean paste (Emma's dad is a chef so it's the fancy stuff) |
Whisk until it all looks nice and fluffy. |
Chop up a whole bar of Aero and add to the egg mixture. |
Place large spoonfuls onto a lined baking tray. |
Bake for 30 minutes at Gas Mark 2/150C. |
And they should look like these beauties! We put in some green food colouring during the mixing but its not very noticeable. Just enough to make it look a tad more minty! |
Enjoy with a cuppa :) |
Give 'em a try and let me know how they go?
Lil x
Mother-flippin delectable! Woo for first blog post (: looks lovely xx